Monday, April 8, 2019

Do Democrats Want to Win in 2020?

I was struck by an opinion by former Senator Bob Kerrey (not to be confused with former Secretary of State John Kerry, who was also a Senator and ran for President candidate...we should have run Bob, truthfully).  Kerry, writing in the Omaha World-Herald offers the following:

"The first [delusion] is that Americans long for a president who will ask us to pay more for the pleasure of increasing the role of the federal government in our lives."
If you wonder why the Republicans were upset that former President Obama was continually trying to expand the government, maybe that is understandable now that the Republicans are in power.  Do Democrats really want to increase the power of the Federal Government and in particular the President? This is a dumb idea whose time has come.  

Republicans are traditionally in favor of limited government, but caught up in the excitement of a colorful President are mostly supporting bigger deficits and expanded powers for the government.   

Kerry goes on to note that success has been achieved by fiscal moderates:

"That this is a delusion can be seen in the promises made by six successful Democratic candidates in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan: three governors and three senators. Not one of them supported the Green New Deal, a tax on wealth or “Medicare for all.”

Is there a Democrat willing to run on the principle of holding the line on spending?  Making small cuts rather that hugely expanding the Federal government?  If there is, they would probably win. 

The other point that Senator Kerry makes is that we have to stop being delusional about the President being under the control of Russia.  This, along with demands to inspect his tax records, are foolish attempts to find some "smoking gun" that will be so appalling that even Republicans will wish to remove the President, either by the ballot box or even impeachment.  It is tragic that Democrats could see so clearly that the attacks on Barack Obama's birth certificate were without merit, as well as the hysterics about Hillary Clinton's emails, but they could not see the idiocy of the Russian conspiracy.  This is nothing more than recycled Joe McCarthy, and Democrats bought into it, hook, line, sinker, rod, reel, boat and anchor.  

Look, the President's record is well established.  There is plenty to not like already, and plenty that is REAL.  If you can not make a case for your candidate against Trump by now, I don't know what negative information could exist that would make a shred of difference.    

The more Democrats pin their hopes on a devastating revelation about Russian interference, or tax records, President Trump gets to win and win and win while the Democrats make themselves look foolish.  

My advice:  
1.  End Middle Eastern military operations.  
2.  Hold the line on health care.
3.  Compromise on immigration.
4.  Eliminate tax breaks that overtly favor large corporations, but do not attempt to damage large corporations.
5.  Be the fiscally responsible party and reduce the deficit. 

Do this and the Democrats will probably win.  

But it is doubtful whether the Democrats will do this.  I believe that they will continue to underestimate Donald Trump. Although all politicians are guilty of mudslinging on occasion, Democrats can not keep pace with the President.  Ask Senator Elizabeth Warren about that.  My guess is that the future Democratic candidate will:

1.  Continue to allow President Trump to set the agenda and make the conversation be about him. Promote conspiracy theories about Russia and tax returns, hoping that moderate Republicans will be swayed by new information. Cry louder.
2.  Ridicule walls and fences, hoping that nobody notices the insanity of unrestricted immigration and open borders as the de facto alternative. 
3.  Criticize Israel and support wars of liberation around the world for third world dictators that we believe are worthy.  
4. Support massive implementation of government-supported Green Energy and dismantling of the hydrocarbon economy.  
5.  Support taxation of the rich as the means to fund expansion of the Federal government.  

Maybe they can get things turned around, but they really don't show much willingness to win.  

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