Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Now It's a Ballgame: Harris Vs Trump


Trust the Gamblers at Election Odds | Who Will Win The Presidency In 2024? (thelines.com). The Village Elliot is an amateur sports handicapper, and in sports terms, it now appears that it's anybody's ballgame, and we're not giving any better than 60-40, President Trump. In fact, I might bet on the new kid, Kamala Harris, even though she was not a first round draft pick.  The old guy, President Biden, had fallen to less than 20% at the end.  Not good.  In fact, I would have put it this way: it would have been far more probable that Trump could have lost the election with a last minute fumble than Biden win it with a last-minute Hail Mary.  

So how do we break down the election now that there is a new quarterback for the Blue Team?  Well, I've heard this over and over again from commentators on AM radio: "President Biden is the most terrible President in American history...the worst of all time, unbelievable, unprecedented."

Well so what about Vice President Kamala Harris? 

"Oh, she's even worse!" 

Well, both statements are very unlikely to be true.  I encountered the same thing in discussing the merits of the Trump Administration. You may not believe it, but 
I predicted his impeachment BEFORE he was even inaugurated, on January 17, 2017..  I suspected the unconventional Trump would butt heads with the establishment.  With all the whining about how horrible Trump is, I pointed out to my liberal friends at the time, if 19 Republicans would vote with the Democrats, Mike Pence could replace Trump. "Oh no! He's even worse!" was often often the reply. Well, how could Pence be worse than Trump, if Trump was really a historic anomaly worthy of impeachment? You might not agree with Mike Pence, but he at least had a strong sense of ethics. Does anyone still think he was a Trumplike insurrectionist after his courageous stand on January 6 when Trump supporters were chanting for his death? Whoever thought he was "worse than Trump" should be ashamed. At least he respects the will of the American voters. 

No, something is wrong with a major portion of the electorate if they think that each candidate is the worst in history and the next candidate is even worse. This is simply not possible. It is bad handicapping and faulty analysis.  This is like a cynical football analyst who takes one look at the quarterback and writes off the season. 

The truth is that neither Biden nor Trump are as formidable as they were in 2020. In 2020, Biden was the former Vice President under Obama, and Trump was the incumbent President, not yet tarnished by January 6 and the unsuccessful post-election crusade.  By now, Biden is known to have dementia (let's call it what it is) and Trump was permanently tarnished for his role in the post-election insurrection (let's call that what it is too).  

Trump, for his part, was a much better President than his opponents give him credit for.  Number of wars on his watch = 0.  He decreased carbon emissions despite avoiding direct legislation.  You may not like his border policy, but by now the Democrats have mostly adopted it.  The Covid vaccine was developed during his Administration, not Bidens (if it had come out a few months earlier my guess is many Democrats would have been anti-vaxers just because they hate all things Trump). But Trump's problem was not going home when the voters rejected him.  January 6 is hard for many Americans to overcome.  The fact that for a long time he was polling about even with a man with Dementia is a sign of great weakness, not resilience. 

Even though Kamala has significant problems in transferring campaign donations and negotiating ballot challenges at this late date, and the stigma of not having been tested in the primaries, she has to be stronger than a man with Dementia. 

I think she could win if she runs a centrist campaign that compromises with the Right on issues like immigration and energy. She could say, "Well, Republicans, can you pass a bill through both Houses of Congress for me to sign? If not, then there's nothing to talk about, is there? Nya nya!" Make Congress do their job rather than rule by Executive Orders (=Royal Decrees, which Americans are supposedly adverse to, but just love if they come from their darling political party).

Setting a record for donations on the first day is a signal that should impress the Trump campaign.  

Mind you, the Harris candidacy does not fix the fact that the Democrats did not allow us to vote in a real primary with real challengers. If they had, Biden would have been exposed and we would have had a real candidate.  For that reason, I personally am disinclined to support the corrupt two-party system. It is absurd that a party would even consider running a candidate with Dementia in the first place. 

Nevertheless, a candidate without a single vote in a Democratic Primary does have a chance against a Republican whose disregard for the American voter was shocking in the post-election attempted insurrection.  It's not that Harris is a great candidate. It's that President Trump is much weaker than most handicappers believe. 

Friday, August 18, 2023

Vivek Ramaswamy is the Only Candidate Who Makes Sense to me.   

Vivek Ramaswamy is the only Candidate who makes sense to me. Why?  Let's keep it simple.  Ramaswamy is promising to pardon Donald Trump. Other Republicans are wishy-washy about what would happen, whereas the Democrats universally call for trial, conviction and jail time. 

The Democrats need to be rebuked. They need to understand that it is not realistic to obtain a guilty verdict via jury trial against President Trump. Why not? Because the jury will be inevitably become known publicly and thus in imminent danger of death by mob violence, and their families will be in the same situation also. This is not to suggest organized crime, but DISorganized fans of Donald Trump will certainly react, and everyone with an IQ over 1/2 should understand this. So how are we going to find 12 people willing to risk their lives and the lives of their families to deliver a guilty verdict? Hello, Democrats, you are not going to do that. It is not possible. The visions of a contrite Donald shuffling off to jail will never ever come true because obtain a guilty verdict via a jury trial is not possible with 12 Democrats in a jury, and that in itself would be a sham.  If you have 10 Democrats and 2 Republicans it will be at best a hung jury, and the 10 Democrats will still be in terrible danger when the trial is over.  You cannot do this. 

The only way to successfully disengage from this disastrous path is for the next President, whoever he or she is, to grant President Trump a pardon.  

Ramaswamy is the only candidate who promises to pardon Donald Trump. This is just such common sense. Every other candidate, both Democrat and Republican is so beholden to party interests that they are headed to a crisis and they can't see it coming. Dealing with the trial of Donald Trump is a headache that this country does not need. It is conceivable that the two sides might resort to Civil War to alleviate their angst. 

On the other hand the country cannot allow Trump back into the Oval Office because he might never leave. That would be the end of the Constitutional Republic and the US government would basically become a family-owned business.

Biden would certainly not consider a Trump pardon. He would see nothing wrong with leading the USA into a new Civil War as long as he believed that the Democrats would win it. Moreover, there is no opposition Democrat, since the party refuses to sponsor primary debates. So forget all about that. The nomination process is indeed rigged so that Biden will be the nominee whether the people like it or not.  

You can look at Trump's rising numbers and interpret them as rising confidence in him by Republicans, and perhaps this is so. However, it may also be that Republicans are bailing on the party's choice,  Florida Governor DeSantis, just as they bailed on party choice Florida Governor Jeb Bush in 2016. For whatever reason, Americans seem to not like being told who to vote for. It may be that the Republican platform is a bit out of touch with the way voters really feel. My personal feeling is that Republicans talk a good ballgame of fiscal responsibility, but if you vote them in, they will spend like hell on their friends (compromising in some cases by also spending on some of the Democrats' friends), generally protecting big dollar programs while damaging American workers and people who need help. If you don't understand what I mean, go back to the 2016 debates and listen how the other candidates referred to America's "investment" in Iraq, while Donald Trump called Iraq a "disastrous mistake." That's why big dollar Republicans wanted Jeb Bush to maintain the status quo, and the voters rejected the wishes of the party, much to their chagrin.

Look, you can't have a system in which we try to throw the previous Administration in jail all the time. You are not locking up Obama or the Clintons.  You are not locking up Biden, either, despite the fact that he is a hardliner daring Trump to start something. Nor are you locking up Trump. That's just not how our system works. This is not the French Revolution, where we chop people's heads off and accept no compromises. 

Hello, this is America, where we used to--and will again--have a loyal opposition, in which we talk to each and reason with one another.  Republicans and Democrats both love their children and get along.

That is why Trump is going to be pardoned and someone else is going to run in his place. It should be someone like Vivek Ramaswamy, rather than a party favorite. Right now, he is the only one making any sense in the Republican field.  

Sunday, July 30, 2023

Peace in Ukraine has no Military Solution

 Peace in Ukraine has no Military Solution

Media reports that Ukraine has gained a few square miles of land in their great summer counter-offensive is a cruel joke. Just shut up. Admit that the war is almost perfectly stalemated. Military victory is impossible because the Russian side has nuclear weapons, and President Putin would rather be personally castrated rather than suffer a military defeat on the battlefield. It defies logic to believe in a military solution.
Nevertheless, as of July 30, breathless reporting by CNN is telling us about key battles around the towns of Staromalorske and Velyka Novosylka, trying to convince us that there is real hope for a military breakthrough. 

It's not just CNN, of course. They are joined by the majority of mainstream media worldwide. However, according to Wikipedia, the population of Stromalorske, last we knew, was 839.  Velyka Novosylka was significantly larger, a teeming metropolis of over 5,000 people. God bless them, but guessing that Russia controls about 25% of a country of 40 million, there needs to be 2000 such events to win the war. A victory per week means the Russians would be vanquished in only 40 years if there are no further problems and if nuclear weapons are not employed (but they will be). This does not seem like a path to success unless there is a remarkable change.  Does the mainstream, global media feel it has a vested interest in promoting an illogical legend about an imminent Ukrainian victory? 

The Administration seems extremely content with military stalemate, though the media seems uncomfortable in reporting it that way. By calling Putin a "War Criminal," President Biden has made negotiations next impossible. Can anyone imagine a scenario in which Putin declares a willingness to negotiate peace so that he can be judged as a War Criminal and hanged?  The Republicans have completely missed the point, choosing to tease the President about another age-related gaffe. No, it is not. It was a careful, deliberate and thoughtful proclamation guaranteed to ensure perpetual warfare, and you Republicans failed to take the President seriously because you are more interested in name-calling rather than dealing with matters of serious global politics.

The Administration regards Russia as a threat to world security, not our ally, and Russia is bogged down in a war that they cannot win. Putin has been suckered into the hugest blunder of his career, and President Biden will not let him off the hook.  
President Biden is not particularly fond of Ukraine, either. Recall that he threatened to withhold aid from Ukraine while he was Vice President. If you are a Democrat, you probably believe it was to force the Ukrainians to clean up corruption in their military-industrial complex. If you are a Republican, you may believe it had to do with protecting Hunter Biden from his part in those corrupt dealings. But either way, as Vice President, Joe Biden was not a friend of Ukraine. Nothing has changed to make him love Ukraine today. He probably dislikes Ukraine less than he dislikes Russia, but he is far, very far, from a true ally. He sees no advantage in a strong Ukraine and certainly sees no advantage in relief for Russia He is content to damage both potential adversaries by supporting an almost perfect stalemate.
That is why the US supports Ukraine with maximal aid, some $113 billion in 2022, ten times more than the next largest contributor. 

The US is far and away the largest investor in the Ukraine stalemate. Note that the red portion is the military part.  

This war may never stop unless the US Congress develops enough spine to force President Biden and Ukrainian President Zelenskyy to the negotiating table by threatening to limit funds for weapons.  Similarly, a leadership change in Russia would be very helpful, though nobody, including the Russians, is quite sure how that is actually brought about.  

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Kennel's Law of Internet Sarcasm

 I had better write this down so I can take credit for it:

Kennel's Law of Internet Sarcasm: Nothing you can post on the internet is so stupid that someone won't take it seriously.  

The consequences of this simple law are quite profound. It means that you have to be very careful about attempting to use sarcastic humor.  Ethnic jokes?  Racial humor? Usually not a good idea. 

It's too bad. From the time of William Shakespeare, Anglo Saxons have enjoyed making fun of themselves and laughing together.  I am not Anglo by blood, but I've grown up in America, so culturally I'm pretty much tuned in to their way of thought. I let you make fun of me, you let me make fun of you, and we are both jolly good fellows. We are willing to let our guard down with each other.  However, not all cultures are like that!! Some cultures assume you mean what you say, and insults are insults.  

In 1729, Jonathan Swift wrote "A Modest Proposal" in which he suggested that poor Irish people should sell their children as food to rich English people. This was satire. Swift's point was that the English upper class were way too rich and draconian in their approach to their Irish neighbors. They should have come up with some reasonable plan to help ease unfair economic conditions involving Irish people. Most readers got the point and were sympathetic to the cause of the oppressed Irish people, or at least put off by the draconian aristocracy mocked by Swift's satire.  

Nowadays, if this were published online, someone would think that Swift was seriously proposing that Irish children should be eaten by rich English people. This would be standard fare on AM radio.  Some people would get very offended, or worse, others would think it is a good idea. It's hard to imagine Democrats and Republicans agreeing on anything, so one party would probably wind up supporting it.  


Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Mustang to Paducah has Comedy, Suspense, Mystery, 60's Vibe


Mustang to Paducah is Raul Ramos y Sanchez's newest, and--in this reviewer's opinion--best work to date. What could be more iconic than a shiny new Ford Mustang in the 1960's? What if someone was willing to pay you and your best friend to drive it cross-country? Nothing could be finer, unless of course, you and your best friend are magnets for trouble, which is exactly the situation of two likeable young men in Mustang to Paducah. Sometimes the trouble is the law, sometimes it's about women and sometimes it's lawless thugs, but somehow they either find trouble or trouble finds them.     

Hopefully this book will be made into a movie, because it has that feel. If you liked The Fugitive, with Harrison Ford and Tommy Lee Jones, you will like this book. However, this is not the story of an action hero like Harrison Ford, it's more like a comic duo Cheech and Chong, the two hippies from the 1960's.  This book is definitely a comedy. It is quick paced and fun.

This is also a period piece, so you may find yourself immersed in the 1960s like Forrest Gump. An interesting wrinkle in this story is that one of the characters, Nestor "Cruiser" Cruz, was born in Cuba but has lived in America since age 11 and considers himself fully Americanized.  But reminders of his heritage pop up in unexpected ways.

Has Hollywood ever made a comedy about the 1960s?  If not, why not?  Hurry the hell up before we die, how about?  Mustang to Paducah could be the perfect vehicle.  

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Elvis Lives! Austin Butler's Star is Born!


 I was the first kid on my block to see Elvis, attending without hours of the first release at Regal, a few hundred yards from my house.  I give this one five stars.  I don't get why some of the early reviews were intensely negative, although in his career some people loved Elvis and some hated him. 

My family was an anti-Elvis family.  My Dad liked Hank Snow, the former straight-laced touring mate of Elvis who thought that Elvis was immoral.  My Mom was taught by American missionaries in Korea that all music except for European classical music was created by and for barbarians (literally). They were especially taught not to play drums. So she wasn't much of a fan either.   

I didn't recognize Tom Hanks, who deserves an Oscar.  I had never heard of Austin Butler prior to this film, but he too deserves an Oscar, because he makes Elvis come to life, especially on stage. It's easy to impersonate Elvis, but hard to make him real.  Butler was remarkable.   Like the old murder mysteries, Butler did it!  

I predict that this movie will trigger an Elvis revival this summer. Elvis has never really left the building, but our culture is really determined by those of us who are, say, 13 to 23 years old. Music is meant to be danced to by single people. It's in our blood from prehistory. It's how young men and women find each other, and that is exactly what is going to happen again.    

As an adult I have understood that Rock 'n Roll was tightly connected to the music of Africa and that the chord progressions are Scotch-Irish overlaid on the the African Blues Scale. But what I didn't realize was that Elvis was heavily and directly influenced by African American gospel music as a kid. I thought it was a cliche that Elvis was a white kid who sung black, but the movie made clear exactly what was meant. In fact, I didn't know much about Elvis as a child, so that part was totally new for me and very interesting. 

In that way, Elvis truly connects African American and European cultures. It is much more than just sound. It's why the rest of the world is so fascinated by America. Maybe Americans have never fully understood or appreciated our unique role, and many have been terrified by it.  

As a period piece, it was a great movie.  I am more than 20 years younger than Elvis, but we are close enough in age that I think I know what his world should look like and how it should feel, and, at least to me, they pretty much nailed it. 

One story that was not covered was the first concert north of the Mason-Dixon Line, which occurred in the Circle Theater in Cleveland in 1954. It's part of the rationale for locating the Rock 'N Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland. The show was called Hillbilly Jamboree and two of the people in the audience included my future parents, Byron Kennel and Sook Cha Lee.  

The version I heard was that the screaming was definitely for real, but they did not know who this kid was and they were not impressed.  My mother supposedly fell asleep, but my theory is that this was an act of passive aggression to show how mad she was at being taken to a crowd of literal barbarians. 

But later, I realized that this fusion of African and Scotch Irish music was the most awesome sound God could ever give humanity. My parents didn't think so, but it was. This is what made us Americans.

It took me back into the 1960s.  Even though I saw Elvis through a teen's eyes, my kid's brain was recording information back then, and probably working better then than it is now, to be quite candid.  I remember the phenomenon quite clearly, the good and the bad. The movie took me back and gave me an earlier starting point on his life, and of course told the story from the inside, rather than from the perspective of a fan or outsider. 

It would be so interesting to learn how today's teenagers will view this movie.  My kids have not seen it yet. I wonder if they will reignite the craze, or whether they will figure, well, we've seen Elvis impersonators before, so it's not big of a deal.  I have to believe things are going to get All Shook Up before the summer is over.  

Elvis Lives!!  

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Is Vladimir Putin Too Big to Fail?


Is Vladimir Putin too big too fail?  That is, the United States is so fearful of the potential for what he might do--nuclear retaliation or other weapons of mass destruction, that the US does not wish to provoke him by allowing the Ukraine to defeat him.  

Witness when the Ukrainians blew up a fuel depot in Russian territory, CNN referred to that action as "Biden's worst nightmare."  Apparently Zelenskiy's military is supposed to just sit there and take it, and this is regarded as sound policy, and I find that disturbing. 

If we are not going to allow Putin to be damaged too severely, what about the business of calling him "War Criminal" and demanding that he stand trial?  This assures that there will not be a negotiated end to the war. Why would Putin sign a peace treaty that results in him being tried, found guilty of being a War Criminal and punished accordingly (i.e., certainly being removed from power and being sent to jail)? Do we in the West sincerely believe he is going to passively agree to this? 

If there is nothing good that happens, no relief from sanctions, only a jail term, good luck waiting for Putin to agree.

Also good luck waiting for a military coup in Russia or fair elections. This news flash just in--the electoral process in Russia is not fair and the elections are not real. It is a dictatorship, and dictators generally do not lose elections. Admittedly, Putin is not all powerful and there is some chance that a coup could occur. Russia had a coup in 1917 and one in 1991 which failed. But if the American plan is to wait for Russia to solve its Putin problem by itself it may be a very long time.  

The American plan for handling Putin is a fear-based initiative. We are so fearful of what he might do.  Hence the US approach appears to be to continue the war and maintain the status quo. We apparently feel the need to resist the temptation to support Ukraine too strongly, such that it might offend Comrade Putin.  We will not allow, for example, Poland to send MIG aircraft to the Ukrainians because that would be considered a provocation, although it is okay to send anti-tank missiles and hand-held munitions and the like. Limited engagement seems to be the desire, small successes, but we must also protect Comrade Putin and not get him too upset lest he become even more insane than he is already. 

Okay? So no aircraft for Ukraine, no A-10 tank killers, nothing that might result in the Ukraine actually winning.  

The amount of money that the US has sent in military aid is a pathetically small about: about $2.5 billion dollars at the time of this writing.  That 's about three tenths of one percent of our defense budget for the fight that we believe is the most serious since World War II.  By comparison, Girl Scout cookies generate about $800 million in revenue each year, so the US has contributed about three times as much money as Girl Scout cookie sales.  Maybe President Biden can hold a series of patriotic bake sales to help out our friends in the Ukraine?  It's ridiculous.  The only conclusion is that we are afraid of Comrade Putin and will not allow him to lose and cause him to lose his temper.  

Here in Beavercreek Ohio, my family lives only a few miles from the largest Air Force Base in the world.  We know we are going to be targeted if there is a nuclear exchange with Russia. But there is no risk-free solution. Placating Putin carries as much or greater risk than opposing him. Speaking for myself, I wish our government had some balls and would go for the win in Ukraine.  We have to take a stand. Perpetual Iraq-style war is not the answer. Throw the Russian bastards out of Ukraine. 

At the same time, there should be a path for a negotiated peace. President Biden has needlessly closed this off.  He  has to shut up about putting Putin on trial for War Crimes.  Does anyone believe that Putin will voluntarily appear in court? This can only happen if there is an unconditional surrender or a coup, and this is simply not realistic.  The President's needlessly provocative talk is harmful and has ended the negotiation process rather than promoting it.  Biden has to offer something good that will happen if Russia agrees to pull out, like lifting some of the embargos or sanctions and allowing Putin to keep his job. If nothing positive can be offered under any conditions, there will never be an agreement to end the war, it's as simple as that.

The current US policy is name-calling and promises of imprisonment, thereby ensuring that a negotiated peace is impossible. At the same time, the US is too fearful to allow a Ukrainian military victory, so we wish to protect Comrade Putin and prevent him from failing and getting too upset.  Putin is too big to fail. The American approach of appeasement on the one hand, combined with refusal to permit a negotiated settlement on the other, is totally inadequate.  We shall sit on the sidelines and cheer for Ukraine as their country is destroyed, and call Putin some bad names and feel that we are accomplishing something.  That appears to be our plan, and it is disgusting.